Alrighty, here are the long overdue photos! Had trouble downloading our memory card so it took several tries (& DH's help) to get them all off. We have one 2G card for our camera and my computer was being fussy about putting that many pics & videos in one folder. Ah, but now it is clear and we are full steam ahead for some pictures!
To recap: I knit picot cuffs for the first time on a pair of socks that were finished recently. Here they are... so far so good and very comfy cuff.

In other knitting, I've been on a bit of a lace bent. Haven't started new socks yet though I will soon to have some travel knitting! We are going on a special trip next weekend.
So, in lace knitting I've started two things, in addition to the spring scarf that was posted about a while ago. Ahem. First up is the curved shawl from Victorian Knits Today. I was fortunate to receive this book for Christmas and am finally through gushing over it and ready to get to work! The yarn is the same as in the book, Lacey Lamb. Wow, super-thin. I'm working it on sz 3 needles. This shawl had a fumbly start. I started at least 3 times, maybe 4. The pattern is not all that hard but it just takes a lot of concentration (aka absolute quiet time) before it clicks. It has what I call 'action rows' every row, I think that makes it true knitted lace. The technique that finally got me going successfully was to write out each row on a notecard instead of attempting to read the tiny chart. [Not an original idea, I saw the notecard idea on another blog a while ago.]

You can see I have just begun.
Second up is another Shetland triangle shawl from Wrap Style. My parents were here for Easter and we did a bit of yarn store hunting. Mom bought me a skein of "Soxie" by The Great Adirondack Yarn Company, Inc., in Bahama Mama. It is 360 yds of superwash merino. I started a pair of socks but was not wild about it, so the yarn transitioned from being sock-driven to shawl-bound. This one I started last night on sz 9 needles. Doing a pattern again is cool, it is going pretty quickly.
The color is not quite true on my monitor. The dark blue is actually purple. The yarn to me is purple, green, and some neonish yellow... and new colors where the dyes interacted.
And last, here is a cool cat thingy from Ikea that my folks got for our cat. The material is similar to umbrella fabric, a texture he really really really likes. Likes as in, aha I must fight you!

It was, I think, $7, not bad for a little hideaway!
Happy ____-ing*!
*insert your own happy thing
Labels: curved shawl, lace, picot cuff, shetland triangle